St Brigids will re-open on Thursday the 29th of August 2024

Our opening times are

Tuesday 7:30-10:45pm
Thursday 7:30-10:45pm

Sunday 5:00pm-8:00pm

The fees for the 2024-2025 season (Sept-May) are:

Adults : 280Eu
Student/Unwaged 220Eu

Fees cover registration with Badminton Ireland, Court hire and shuttles.

Existing members will receive an e-mail update and invitation to re-register for membership and pay their subscriptions. We operate as a members only basis. New members are welcome to come down and play as a guest and are expected to follow the membership application process described in the membership section of this site.

New lady members are particularly welcome as this allows us to enter more teams for mixed and ladies league teams competitions.

Note: Our registration for 2024-2025 season is now closed.

Our location and directions can be found in the About section of this site.

For people that are new to badminton we would encourage you to attend some initial training courses run by Leinster badminton or EZbadminton before applying for membership. More information can be found in their web pages and facebook social media sites.